We understand that to our P&I Club clients, and the Owners and Managers they represent, the safety and well-being of the mariners under the care is of paramount importance. That is why at IMC Mariner Medical Management, we have a very mariner-centric philosophy.
That means we do our best to make the mariner as comfortable as possible while dealing with an illness or injury. We think about things that other medical claims management firms often overlook.
Most mariners are not from the United States, nor are they familiar with US healthcare protocol. To make matters worse, many speak little or no English. Consequently, dealing with a serious medical matter while in the states is often doubly stressful and mariners feel isolated, anxious and vulnerable.
When mariners need help, we:
Ensure they receive prompt medical care at the appropriate type of facility.
Obtain accurate and timely information about their condition, treatment and follow-up.
Arrange to get them back aboard the vessel if cleared to do so.
Attend to repatriation issues (e.g. customs and border protection procedures) if they are unfit for duty and must return home.
IMC-3M helps mariners receive the care and assistance they need. Our unique team includes highly qualified and compassionate physicians, nurse case managers, medical escort specialists, and commercial correspondents. We work cohesively to make, execute, and communicate with our clients about important decisions.
Here are some instances where having the IMC-3M Team engaged has made a world of difference:
A Chinese Mariner in the United States
A mariner from China was evaluated, given medication and discharged from hospital in New York. He was deemed unfit for work. Due to his lung condition and risks of problems tolerating a long flight at high altitude he was unable to be repatriated until his condition improved. The mariner was placed in a local hotel where US Customs required guards on a 24/7 basis until he could be repatriated.
The mariner spoke no English and the boredom and isolation must have been terrible. IMC-3M coordinated with the security vendor to arrange meals from a nearby Chinese restaurant to be delivered to his room and also made sure he had the means to communicate with his family. When the time came for his repatriation the mariner was provided with cash so he could purchase basic things at the airports during his journey home. We also took steps to ensure he would be met upon arrival and promptly taken to a suitable medical facility for further treatment.
A Severely Injured Deckhand in the Caribbean
A young US mariner working as a deckhand on a luxury yacht in the Caribbean suffered severe spine and leg injuries as the result of an accident. One leg had to be amputated at the knee. Extensive surgeries and rehabilitation, involving numerous medical facilities and specialists, were required over a prolonged period. The young man had healthcare coverage under his parent’s plan, but payment to the service providers was significantly delayed due to poor management of the claims by the healthcare service provider who initially approved claims, then reversed their decision.
Understandably, the family became frustrated and stressed with the apparent inability of their healthcare carrier to resolve the mess, especially when debt collection agencies started to call them. Supporting the family through his ordeal and dealing with the healthcare carrier and the many service providers required a meticulous and patient-centered approach. The IMC-3M was able to resolve the situation, and the family was extremely grateful to get closure on the treatment costs.